Online chemistry tutoring, classes and exam preparation
for high schoolers given by Dr. Cristina Gherasim

Online chemistry tutoring, classes and exam preparation for
high schoolers given by Dr. Cristina Gherasim


After struggling with chemistry during high school, I've got passionate about it and went all in: BS and MS in chemistry with 4.0 GPA, and then also Ph.D. in chemistry.

I've been teaching and tutoring only chemistry for 28 years at high school and college-level and so got to master and teach this difficult subject across different curricula.

I know how to best study chemistry, solve complicated problems, and prepare for exams. This solid mastery of chemistry powers my lessons and tutoring and makes my students confident & ace their classes and exams.


In my almost 28 years of classroom teaching and private tutoring, I’ve seen thousands of struggling students and helped them succeed.

I’ve refined and distilled this experience and teaching expertise in my own method: the FAST, easy, and fun way of getting students to master chemistry, love it, and make it their favorite subject.

My students say my step-by-step no-fluff ACE Method helps them save precious time, ditch information overload, focus on the right things, and learn better, faster, and easier. 


Wasting time with no- or little results is a killer for busy high-school students.

My method gives students not only rock-solid chemistry knowledge but builds also advanced learning skills to help reduce study time and maximizes results. This way students progress in the shortest time, build confidence and ace their class and exams.

These powerful study skills accompany students for the rest of their life and help them succeed in other school subjects and thrive later on in pre-med and STEM majors. 


Is your teen one of millions of students

  • Frustrated by not understanding chemistry from his class and struggling with solving problems?
  • Getting As in the other subjects but chemistry is the only subject he cannot get the grasp of?
  • Stressed and without confidence, earning poor grades, and worrying about passing his class?
  • Tired and overwhelmed, searching the internet and not seeing an improvement?
  • Doing fine in the class but not getting the A's they need to get into pre-med or science college?
  • Done wasting time memorizing with no results and no boosted confidence?
  • Wanting to ditch all the stress and overwhelm? Want to get only the information he needs, all questions answered, and FINALLY learn chemistry fast and with EASE and ACE  it?
Yes 😢 How can I do better?

Hi! I'm Dr. Cristina Gherasim and I help high school students learn chemistry FAST so that they BOOST their grades and ACE exams with confidence

I'm happy to guide your teen towards ACING their chemistry classes and exams with my ACE Method, and with permanent support and feedback within my ACE CHEMISTRY ACCELERATOR Program.

Are you done trying to figure it out alone? Of course, you are.
Want your teens to finally ACE chemistry? You are in the right place for it.
Do you want them to learn fast and with pleasure from the comfort of your home? Without driving and losing hours to make no progress finally? Yes, sure!

I'll show you how your child can ditch the stress and overwhelm and finally ACE CHEMISTRY with EASE.


Your teens stop losing time and money with YouTube videos and poor tutoring which leave them with the same poor grades, and instead get your teen BOOST their grades in chemistry with my ACE METHOD.

Your teens will stop being overwhelmed and stressed and be confident and happy in class and at home.

They finally achieve the top grades in their chemistry class they are capable of, and secure a good GPA for college. They ACE their exams with confidence and get accepted into the Pre-med or STEM programs of their dreams.

Join the ACE CHEMISTRY ACCELERATOR program and get your teens the chance to finally ENJOY learning chemistry using my ACE Method, make it their best subject, and reach their full potential.

Let's make it happen.



This is how we get there...

Because NO STRESS, increasing CONFIDENCE, BOOSTING grades, and ACING exams need targeted and EFFECTIVE teaching and exercising.

Say GOODBYE to D.I.Y., free online resources and YouTube videos your child is wasting their time WITHOUT MAKING ANY PROGRESS.

Get Results With HANDS-ON Support Tailored to Your Teen's Learning Needs and Goals!

Start Mastering Chemistry Today with my NO FLUFF Step-By-Step ACE Method developed and tested in over 28 years of teaching and tutoring chemistry and only chemistry.

Here is how I can help your teens ACE their US Regular/Honors, AP Chemistry and Organic Chemistry & International IGCSE (Edexcel & CAIE) and IB DP Chemistry classes and exams:


US Highschoolers start here

Online Tutoring Programs for US Regular/ Honors and AP Chemistry

Does your child struggle to understand chemistry from their school teacher?

Are they stressed out because no matter how hard they work they cannot get those A's?

Do they need top grades in their High School and AP Chemistry classes to boost their GPA for college?

But right now, they are left behind




Online Tutoring Classes for IGCSE and IB Chemistry

Are you a parent looking for expert help with IGCSE or IB chemistry for your teen?

Do you want your child to enjoy learning chemistry and earn top grades so they can get accepted into Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, or Veterinary?

I've been teaching and tutoring chemistry for over 28 years and helped thousands of students ACE chemistry and thrive in medicine and


Summer Programs & Other Subjects Tutoring

Get Ahead Over The Summer & Ace STEM Subjects

Is your child a college freshman enrolled in Pre-med or STEM majors in college?

Do they struggle in the fast-paced college-level chemistry courses that are incomprehensible and too advanced?

Are they left behind in their chemistry class and do you worry about the upcoming tests?

Are you stressed and worrying about them passing their

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Monique W. (The Netherlands)

Cristina is absolutely amazing to work with and she helped my daughter so much with her chemistry class! She is nice, professional, passionate about teaching, and approachable and it was always a pleasure to discuss with her about my daughter progress. Due to her extensive teaching experience, she was able to assess my daughter immediately and make a plan to fill her gaps fast. She was tutoring my daughter online and it was just working great while being also extremely convenient for us. I highly recommend Cristina to anyone needing a chemistry teacher and tutor!

Esmy L. (US)

I highly recommend Dr. Cristina. Cristina is currently tutoring my 16-year-old son twice a week. We live in the United States, and she tutors him over Zoom. My son is homeschooled and Cristina develops all the weekly lessons for his Chemistry lesson. She not only develops the lessons but also grades and sends weekly emails detailing how my son is performing in the Zoom class and in his homework [….] Even more, she inspires my son to consider careers that will utilize the skills he is learning in chemistry. Because Cristina connects chemistry to every day life, this makes the learning of chemistry less intimidating. Cristina is approachable, passionate, and professional. In my son words, she is "cool, smart, and loves what she does". If you are looking for a chemistry tutor to provide a full chemistry program for you, Cristina is well-equipped to do just that. Similarly, if you are seeking support for your child as he or she takes a high school chemistry course or an Introductory College Chemistry course, Cristina has the necessary credentials and experience to help your child feel confident and achieve some success in chemistry.

This could be you

Monique B. (US)

My son enjoyed very much the online tuition with Cristina! He appreciates her great explanations for theory and exercises and her guidance for learning the right way. Cristina is always nice, professional, and approachable and she keeps me up to date with my son’s work and progress. She had to re-teach everything he hasn’t done properly at school and she also planned all his work to catch up and get on the schedule. That’s so much work but it is worth it! He is so happy he understands chemistry and can make calculations and solve problems now. He finally got an A for his chemistry test! Thank you so much, Cristina! I cannot thank you enough for the passion, involvement, and help! I wish you were his chemistry teacher!

Sarah M. (UK)

My daughter was confused, overwhelmed, and with no idea where to start and how to learn. Her chemistry class was just too difficult for her and she was not able to keep up with the learning and do her homework. But with your explanations, everything got clear and she feels now everything makes sense and she is doing great in the class now. She feels now that chemistry is easier than she ever thought and is dreaming to study Pharmacy. Thank you for the help and inspiration, Cristina! You are a lifesaver!

Maria G. (The Netherlands)

Thank you so much for making Chemistry so easy! I was lost and did not get it from my teacher at school at all! I was so surprised I understand everything with you, your teaching method is so clear! I could learn fast all the things I was missing and were stopping me from understanding my lessons at school! I’ve been passing my class solely because of your lessons, your detailed explanations and help with exercising supported my fast-paced class and helped me finally get an A!! I will recommend your tuition to anyone needing help for their class, it is so helpful!

Alex M. (UK)

I highly recommend Cristina, she is a very experienced, nice, and passionate teacher! She explains everything clearly and concisely and it is so much fun to learn with her! I never felt when the lessons were ready, her teaching is engaging and the time just flies when switching between working on exercises and listening to the explanations...It is never boring and I felt so good and confident at school when seeing I am finally able to answer most of the questions and work through difficult exercises! These lessons greatly enhanced my understanding of Chemistry, I would not pass my tests and class without your help. Thank you!